I don’t know about other countries but in the Philippines , courtship used to be the traditional and only acceptable way to win a woman’s favor.
In the olden days, courtship meant a man had to gather firewood and fetch water (from a well, river etc.) for the woman he wants to have (and this may include her family’s needs too). Women were highly regarded and the men had to really work hard for love. The tradition changed as the world changed, from firewood and water to flowers and chocolates. From courting to just dating, to long distance and ambiguous relationships.
But despite of that, some Filipinas still prefer the traditional way, courtship.
Visiting her in the house – Meeting and knowing the family is important in the Filipino culture. It’s one of the most effective ways of winning the family and their respect. Even just mere friends are introduced to the parents, siblings, friends. It’s supposed to be a show of respect to the parents and assurance that they can trust the guy friend or suitor, that’ she’s safe and in good company.
Giving gifts – This depends on the girl. Some women don’t like being spoiled and feel their affection is being bought by material things if you spend too much on them. Small offerings work better, little gifts that don’t cost too much but are meaningful.
To most women, it isn’t the gift, it’s the thought, the thought that you thought of when you bought it, the thought that you’re willing to spend hard earned money for her (gives the notion that you’d be a good provider for her future children with you)
I think those two sums it up. The Filipina isn’t hard to love or win. Just be sincere, be yourself and be respectful.